Whether you’re taking classes online or in-person, practicing safe social distancing this Fall semester could be a good idea. Of course getting the grades is important, but let’s face it: a little socializing never hurt anyone’s college career. Here is Sunrise Village’s guide on how to socialize while social distancing.

Get Outside

Rexburg has plenty to offer when it comes to the great outdoors, and the extra space is perfect for social distancing.


  • Plan a day trip to Yellowstone National Park with some classmates.
  • Invite some friends, grab some blankets, and head to an open field for a night of stargazing. Keep your blankets six feet apart and enjoy the night sky!
  • Rexburg has plenty of hiking trails to explore while getting some fresh air. 
  • Pack a basket and host a picnic.
  • Not all sports require close contact. Volleyball, golf, even going for a bike ride are all still on the table.
  • Set-up a scavenger hunt for a friend. Leave clues around campus and have them FaceTime their adventure with you.

Plan a Movie Night

Virtual book clubs are getting popular, but you have enough textbooks to crack for class. Luckily, virtual movie clubs are way more fun. Invite some friends and choose a movie none of you have seen yet. Then use an app to sync your screens and watch the movie together in real time.


If you’re really missing the movie theater, the Teton Vu Drive-In theater is a few minutes away from Sunrise Village. Coordinate with your friends and park next to each other to catch a classic flick.

Stuck Indoors, but not Bored

If you feel more comfortable hanging out in your apartment, these ideas can keep you in touch with friends while fending off boredom.


  • Host a virtual dinner night: coordinate with friends to order your DoorDash delivery at the same time. Sit down to a Zoom meeting complete with silverware and a place setting.
  • There are thousands of game rooms available online. Pick your most competitive friend and challenge them to anything from chess to Scrabble.
  • Hold a virtual study session. Your classmates will be just a screen away if anyone has a question about this week’s lecture.
  • Put those quarantine baking skills to use: bake a batch of cookies and deliver them to friends. Everyone loves the friend responsible for a package of sweets on their front porch.
  • Ditch the electronics and bring back pen pals. Write a letter to a friend or relative and slip it in the mail. (Bonus points if you break out the colored pencils and stickers to really add some flair.) 


Your Fall semester may be a little different than those before it, but you can make the most of your BYU-Idaho experience with these tips from Sunrise Village.